The Effect of Different Colors | Wavelengths on Plant Growth

Light Wavelength
100nmWilt very quickly
310nmHelps to strengthen the immune system, and can promote the formation of THC when flowering.
365nmDevelops phytochemicals, flavonoids, and carotenoids.
385nmDevelops phytochemicals, flavonoids, and carotenoids.
395nmDevelops phytochemicals, flavonoids, and carotenoids.
405nmAttracts insects.
Helps with color development.
Makes leaves thicker.
420nmMaximum photosynthesis for Chlorophyll A.
Attracts insects.
450nmPhotosynthesis for Chlorophyll B.
Effective for young plants.
Avoids succulent growth.
505nmAbsorption from yellow pigments (fishes and squids).
530nmEffective plants: cucumbers, hot peppers(avoids mildews).
640nmEffective for photosynthesis (Chlorophyll B).
655nmChlorophyll action maximized.
660nmGermination photomorphosis.
670nmPhotosynthesis for Chlorophyll B maximized.
Leaf expansion and stem elongation.
Effective plants: Melons, tomatoes, Ginseng(increases sugar content and saponin).
780nmNo specific reaction for plants.
1000-1400nmNo specific reaction for plants.

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