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Don’t Trust the Integrating Sphere Test Report of the LED Grow light

Integrating Sphere

A customer said that there was another supplier of LED grow lights which PPE was very high, but the price was very cheap. He could even provide a report on the actual measurement of the integrating sphere. Will it really be as good and cheap as he believes it?

We choose a 640W LED grow light and put it into this 2-meter diameter integrating sphere.

2m Integrating Sphere
2m Integrating Sphere

We set the absorption coefficients of the integrating sphere to 1.5, 2, 2.5, and the resulting umol/j are 1.81, 1.83, and 3.02 respectively. At present, the lights similar to Fluence, 2.7umol/j, is already the top PPE in the industry.

Absorption Coefficient
Absorption Coefficient

So what kind of test is accurate?

Black Room
Black Room

It is necessary to put it in the small black room for testing.

For customers, it is impossible to set a small dark room because of the high price. Luis recommends using PAR Meter to measure PPFD, 50 USD. For grow lights of different brands and similar shapes at the same power and height, measure the PPFD at different positions, and then compare the highest value, average value, and uniformity.

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