1. Adjust the power. 2. When the temperature exceeds the set value, the light will be automatically turned off. 3. Control the power or switch of the light at different times. 4. It can control 50 lights at most when daisy chain.
Control the fan socket
1. When the temperature exceeds the set value, the fan is automatically turned on. 2. The fan is switched on and off at different times.
Control the heater socket
1. When the temperature is lower than the set value, the heater is automatically turned on. 2. The heater is switched on and off at different times.
Control the UD socket
If use humidifier, 1. When the humidity is lower than the set value, the humidifier is automatically turned on. 2. The humidifier is switched on and off at different times.
WIFI Control
Control the system at anytime and anywhere.
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